Programs for 2023-2024
Programs for May 2023 through April 2024 Fiscal Year
The Garden Club of Johnstown meetings are usually held the 2nd Monday of the month. They begin at 10 am with a light refreshment followed by a program on a garden topic. Exceptions to this time are noted. Our programs for each fiscal year begin in May.
May 8- Annual Plant Sale
It’s time to divide your overgrown perennials and repot your extra plants to share at our Annual Plant Sale, hosted by the Horticulture committee. Please label all plants with the name (common and botanical, if known) and their growing conditions.
June 12- Field Trip to the Mount Assisi Gardens at the Charles Schwab Estate in Loretto, PA
After a brief business meeting and yoga demonstration, we’ll head to the Mt. Assisi Gardens, 131 St. Francis Drive, Loretto, PA 15940. The 3.5 acre gardens feature fountains, religious statues and wisteria. The grounds were once owned by Charles M. Schwab, President of U.S. Steel and Bethlehem Steel. Carpooling will be available. More details to come in The Seeder.
July 10- Joint Luncheon with the Somerset Garden Club at noon
The GCJ will host our sister club from Somerset, PA for our annual July luncheon. GCJ members whose last names begin with A to L should bring a salad or vegetable. Those whose last names begin with M to Z should bring a dessert to share.
Program: Hydroponics 101
Rob and Lori Beard of Eliza’s Organics, LLC will share the basics of hydroponics, an alternative to soil-based growing. Following the “Bearded Farmers” presentation, we will tour their gardens located at 800 Millcreek Road, Johnstown.
August 14: Keeping Up Appearances – Native Plant Options for Your Lawn
Barbara Rosenberg, a Penn State Master Gardener, will present options to transform lawns into pollinator-friendly, native plant gardens in an urban setting. A tour of her Paulton Street gardens will follow.
September 11: Straw Bale Gardening: Prepare, Plant and Protect
Jane Litavish, a Penn State Master Gardener, will discuss the straw bale garden technique from planting to harvest. A tour of a nearby, Luzerne Street straw bale garden will follow.
October 16: Birds in My Garden (changed from October 9)
Laura Jackson, a retired science teacher, will share ways to create bird-friendly habitats by planting native shrubs and flowers that provide food and shelter for the birds, as well as a pleasing landscape for the land owner.
No regular meeting in November- See the Welcome the Holidays page for details of our fundraising event.
December 11: Special Event- Luncheon at noon
After a brief business meeting, we will share holiday traditions, customs, and decorations as we celebrate this special season. We will gather with fellow club members at a covered dish luncheon. GCJ members whose last names begin with A-K should bring a dessert. Those whose last names begin with L-Z, please bring a salad or vegetable dish.
There is no January 2024 meeting.
February 12- Start Seeds in Winter…..Outdoors!
Mary Ann Efron, a GCJ member and a Penn State Master Gardener, will present the basics on how to imitate nature and start seeds in a bottle for successful spring transplanting.
March 11: Spring into Home Garden Landscaping
Ron McIntosh, Johnstown’s Green Grower, will present landscape designs and practices for all seasons.
April 22 : Installation of Officers and Flower Show Program
Change from April 8 meeting date!
Deb Stumpf, District VI director, will conduct the installation of our newly elected officers. Deb, who is also an accredited flower show judge, will do double duty and present a program related to our 2024 Flower Show.